2025-2026 Parent Teacher Conferences

We'll be using SignUpGenius again this year. Click on the link below to sign up for conferences.

How to SignUp PTC

Any questions, call the high school at 330-637-8466.


2025 Senior Cap & Gown

Attention Seniors!!!

Mailers were sent home from Jostens with cap & gown ordering information. The information is on the Senior Information page.

Cap & Gown Ordering Info

Sophomore Class Rings

MHS Sophomores

It’s time to think about your Class Ring!

Order now as a Sophomore so you can wear your ring throughout HS.

We offer FREE resizing, cleaning, stone repair and more.  Why wait?


Order by Nov. 1 to get your FREE Class of 2027 Hoodie!


TO ORDER:  Go to Jostens.com 

Use our online Ring Designer to create & order your custom ring.

Ring sizers available upon request.

Please contact our local Jostens office if you need any assistance:

rich.petro@jostens.com or 330-877-4700

2024-2025 School Year Changes

This year there have been some changes, including a new website and online forms.

  • New Website---> https://www.maplewood.k12.oh.us/

  • FinalForms (link on district website)

    • Parent(s)/Guardian(s) received an email from FinalForms to complete account setup. If you did not receive and email, please email Mrs. Phillips at nphillips@maplewoodschools.org with the correct email address or call the High School at 330-637-8466.

    • This MUST be completed for each student. The forms include emergency medicals, acceptable use, student handbook and sports forms.

MHS Title IX Coordinator

Beth Goerig



MHS Title IX Investigator

Gordon Hitchcock

