Academic Resources

Announcements Parents and Students are invited to sign up for Text message reminders about scholarships and college related deadlines and ACT test dates. Send an e-mail with your name and number to be included to Email Best

Scholarships are posted in the cafeteria as they are received. Keep checking the cafeteria bulletin board for updates!! Pay attention to deadlines! Text message updates will be sent if you are on the list.

College Representatives will visit throughout the year. They will be announced on the morning announcements and sign-ups will be in Government classes. Juniors and Seniors will be able to meet with the representatives, but are limited to only 3 meetings per student.

The U.S. Department of Education provides resources for a number of educational topics, not just related to colleges or careers. Their website has a wealth of information on topics related to our educational system, including special education services, higher education, financial aid, and bullying.

College Credit Plus is an opportunity for students in grades 7-12 to earn college credits. 

Remember that academic achievement and good grades start with organization and are supported by good study habits and test-taking skills. If you are struggling in any of these areas, don't be afraid to ask for help. Peer tutoring is also available. See Ms. Best for details!

Inter collegiate transfer guide for Ohio

Ohio Transfer Module see if your college coursework will transfer to another university for the same credit or an equivalent.


Financial Aid

College Credit Plus



Test Prep

End of Course and Next Generation Assessments


Graduation Requirements 

College Planning

Study Skills

Free Tutoring Resources

Special Education


US Dept. of Education

Athletic Eligibility